"Herman Miller at Locksbrook: Capturing the Narrative of Transition and Legacy"

Herman Miller is a renowned American furniture company celebrated for its innovative designs and creations for homes and offices. This project centers around the journey of Herman Miller and its workers, as they transitioned from their purpose-built building in Bath to a new location in Melksham. The original structure in Bath, known for its distinctive design, was subsequently sold and repurposed by Bath Spa University into the Locksbrook Campus.

The genesis of this project coincided with the easing of Covid-19 restrictions, coinciding with my family's relocation from Bath to Melksham. As I embarked on my photography studies at Bath Spa University and commenced my new job at Herman Miller in Melksham, I discovered that the campus where I studied was their former building, while I now worked at their new premises. The captivating stories shared by the workers and the profound changes witnessed during the transition intrigued me greatly."Herman Miller at Locksbrook" is an artistic endeavor that aims to weave a narrative encompassing the pre- and post-relocation eras of Herman Miller's presence in Bath and Melksham. Through my photographs, I capture a diverse blend of individuals: long-standing workers who experienced the company's operations in Bath and newcomers who have joined in Melksham. By juxtaposing the stories from both buildings, I delve into the rich heritage of this company and its connection to the architectural spaces that have shaped its evolution.

To evoke a comprehensive depiction of the buildings and their occupants, this project incorporates archival work and interviews conducted with the workers themselves. By intertwining past and present, my work showcases the evolution of the physical structures, the memories associated with them, and the impact of time as individuals have come and gone, while some have remained. These visual and narrative elements form a cohesive tapestry that seeks to illuminate the dynamic history of Herman Miller's journey and the people who have shaped its legacy.

Through "Herman Miller at Locksbrook," I strive to offer viewers a captivating and introspective exploration of the company's transition, its interplay with architectural spaces, and the human stories that make up its fabric.

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